Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, located in Lancaster, PA has an overall job placement rate of 97% of its graduates. One of the main job sectors that continues to offer the greatest opportunity is HVAC. To keep up with the in-demand manufacturing major, the college built the Greiner Advanced Manufacturing Center. Partnerships with business and industry in HVAC and refrigeration, like EVAPCO, enabled the college to provide a state-of-the-art learning environment. To read the rest of the article about the industry support received by Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology, please visit
EVAPCO’S eco-Air Series of EAW Dry Coolers are CTI certified per Standard STD-201. As the global climate continues to evolve, with rising temperatures and reduced water availability, consumers are exploring cooling technologies which can minimize water consumption. Dry coolers use no water for cooling (unless equipped with entering air pre-cooling systems for high ambient temperatures) and rely only on sensible heat transfer from the fluid in the closed loop to the ambient air. Dry coolers have a lower cooling efficiency as they do not utilize latent heat transfer for cooling, therefore they