Pros & Cons of Cooling System Water Solutions
Cooling towers play a critical role in both indoor climate control and process cooling systems. Ensuring a high-quality water supply for these components enhances their efficiency, extends their lifespan, and simplifies maintenance. Municipal-supplied or well water has historically been the most common source of makeup water for evaporative cooling systems. However, concerns related to water scarcity and increasing water costs are leading some building owners, engineers, and facilities managers to seek alternative sources of water and treatment for their evaporatively cooled systems. Options
price increase
Please be advised that EVAPCO USA prices are hereby increased as shown below effective Friday, June 14 th . All quotations offered on or after June 14 th , must be based on new pricing and all orders for these products entered on or after July 13 th , 2024 must be entered with new/revised increased prices. Current pricing and new pricing for these products will be available in Spectrum June 14 th through July 12 th , but on July 13 th , only new pricing will be available. SELECT ATC-E, eco-ATC, PMRC and eco-PMRC Condenser Models, Average of……………………………………………………………………...Four Percent (4%) Factory