EVAPCO, Inc. is currently hiring for a range of job opportunities. If you are driven and energetic in your pursuit of innovation and self-improvement, you will find yourself welcome as part of the EVAPCO family. We are a team committed to excellence, who will go the extra mile for our customers, our company and our future. At EVAPCO, the people make the difference. As a privately-held employee-owned company, you share in the ownership of the business; each employee has a stake in the company’s success, and the company has a stake in each employee’s success. Your engagement and commitment to
Since introducing its Evapcold low-charge ammonia/NH3 (R717) packaged units in 2016, U.S. OEM Evapco has installed 100 of the units across 25 industrial sites, with each site using between one and 10 units, said Kurt Liebendorfer, Vice President of Evapco. In total, these 100 units represent well over 10,000TR (35,168kW) of refrigeration capacity, According to Liebendorfer, the number of its installed ammonia units will double over the next year or two, “without a doubt.” Liebendorfer delivered his remarks during the market trends panel at the ATMOsphere (ATMO) America Summit 2022 on natural
sun tower
Renewable energy enthusiasts now have reason to celebrate: EVAPCO offers a solar-powered evaporative cooling tower. The SUN cooling tower, available in two sizes — 241 and 383 nominal tons — is paired with PV panels to dramatically reduce energy consumption. The SUN cooling tower is capable of achieving net-zero operation because its 9 or 12 photovoltaic (PV) solar panels power the unit fully at 50% capacity. Its net-zero capability stems from an annual average of energy usage (most of the year, evaporative cooling towers operate at less than 50% of their capability). Read the entire article
EVAPCO’S eco-Air Series of EAW Dry Coolers are CTI certified per Standard STD-201. As the global climate continues to evolve, with rising temperatures and reduced water availability, consumers are exploring cooling technologies which can minimize water consumption. Dry coolers use no water for cooling (unless equipped with entering air pre-cooling systems for high ambient temperatures) and rely only on sensible heat transfer from the fluid in the closed loop to the ambient air. Dry coolers have a lower cooling efficiency as they do not utilize latent heat transfer for cooling, therefore they
summer heat wave
Heatwaves in California have become a national concern. The Association of Pacific Coast Geographers says that heatwaves have more than tripled over the past 100 years as a result of the steady warming of Los Angeles. Even more concerning is that global climate models have predicted more intense, more frequent, and longer-lasting heat waves in North America in the future. And the problem is not restricted to summer. Last month, the Los Angeles Times published an article with the headline “Fall heatwave turns ‘happiest place on Earth’ into hottest place in America” saying that the temperature
Nagelbush Tames
South Florida’s weather poses many challenges, so Nagelbush Mechanical, Inc. relied on EVAPCO cooling towers to withstand the heat, sea air, and high winds for residents of the luxurious three-tower Park Grove complex along the shores of Biscayne Bay in South Florida. The new towers bring modern architecture to a historic section of the city. Each high rise has 22 stories with high windows that offer grand views of the ocean. The three towers are connected with a common podium structure housing two levels of retail space, a bank, a large restaurant, and parking. Residents of the building
At a former PFS facility in Perth Amboy, N.J., Lineage Logistics recently renovated the refrigeration system, including the replacement of an evaporative condenser, to add options such as passivation and water treatment. The new cooling system condensers were installed on the ground rather than in the air as is so typical of this equipment. Replacing the condenser also permitted future-proofing of operations at the facility, says Brad Stonesifer, an Evapco sales representative with Hanover, Pa.-based MidAtlantic Refrigeration. “We designed and specified our condenser coil bundle for conversion
adiabatic live webinar
Our very own Mihir Kalyani, Global Product Manager for Dry and Adiabatic Fluid Coolers is teaming up with Bert J. Wesley, Sr. of Woodward & Curran to discuss Applications for Adiabatic Cooling Technology in a live webinar on July 21st at 2:00 PM EST. This is an interactive webinar, with the opportunity to ask questions after the live event. We don’t want you to miss this opportunity to hear from the experts themselves! Register for free today at:
For decades, cooling towers have provided the most efficient means of cooling large commercial buildings or industrial process loops by supplying the lowest operating temperatures. Yet, through the years, water-based cooling systems have evolved dramatically. Terminal units, chiller plant components, cooling towers (and fluid coolers), and the controls that tie them together have all made strides in efficiency, controllability, heat transfer and water conservation. The end-user, owner, installer and maintenance personnel all benefit. “Many facets of tower maintenance are still best conducted
Are you Covered?
What’s your top priority? Conserving water? Maximizing energy efficiency? Having the option to do both? With our full spectrum of solutions from evaporative to dry cooling—including hybrid and adiabatic options—we can adapt to any application with the selection of the right equipment. EVAPCO provides a full spectrum of global product solutions for the Commercial HVAC, Industrial Refrigeration, Power Generation and Industrial Process markets.