As aging facilities are tapped to accommodate expanded manufacturing and broader process applications, facility owners and managers are faced with vexing challenges. Primary among them is how to meet these demands within realistic budget parameters.
Often, two of the largest budget items for facility managers is reducing energy use and water consumption. To magnify the challenge, some municipalities have set water-use restrictions for plants, creating an unexpected burden. Another facet of the challenge of doing more with less is the common problem of deteriorating mechanical infrastructure with footprints that may be difficult or impossible to expand.
Even when facility managers or owners are ready to invest in new mechanical systems, roadblocks such as restrictions on water use or closed-circuit cooler footprints limit what they can do.
Check out this article written by EVAPCO's Matt Shank and published in Process Cooling. It discusses how evaporative coolers with dry capabilities can help broaden the product considerations. Read about a case study in Philadelphia where a retrofit helped improve performance while also reducing energy consumption.
Read Evaporative coolers with dry capability broaden the mechanical landscape.