AHR 2025: Evapco Launches Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger for Large-Scale Heat Rejection Duty
The company is expanding production in the U.S., Belgium and China due to high demand, according to Business Development Manager Troy Reineck.
Evapco, a U.S.-based manufacturer of industrial ammonia (R717) and CO2 (R744) refrigeration systems and components, has launched eco-Air Titan, an air-cooled heat exchanger for large-scale heat rejection duty for battery plants, data centers, industrial processing and power generation.
The new unit ‒ applicable to natural refrigerant systems, including ammonia and CO2 ‒ operates on the condensing side of a refrigerant system. It cools circulating water or glycol with Titan’s up-to-20ft (6.1m)-wide fans, according to Troy Reineck, Business Development Manager at Evapco.
“We are pushing our heat rejection products to a larger scale to support high-density cooling,” Reineck told NaturalRefrigerants.com at the 2025 AHR Expo. “The demand for Titan is blowing up faster than we expected.” The expo was held in Orlando, Florida, February 10‒12.
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