Stainless Steel Cold Water Basin
- Available in Type 304 or Type 316 Stainless Steel
- Includes the entire basin area including the support structure, vertical columns, louver frames, and the plenum
- Welded basin seams for leak-free operation
Stainless Steel Casing & Fan Section
- Available in Type 304 or Type 316 Stainless Steel
- Includes the entire upper section, including mechanical equipment support, fan cowl, and fan guard
Sound Reducing Options
Available with multiple equipment options to reduce the overall sound generated from the side or top of the unit. Option include:
- Super Low Sound Fan
- Low Sound Fan
- Water Silencers
- Discharge Attenuation
- Offset Sound Attenuation Walls
Water Treatment Systems
Available with water treatment systems, providing environmentally sensitive alternatives for treating water in evaporative cooled equipment.
- SmartShield solid chemical water treatment system
- Pulse-Pure CHEMICAL-FREE water treatment system
Maintenance Accessories
The AT product line is available with multiple equipment options to aid in the maintenance of the cooling tower. These options include:
- External Service Platform
- Basin Level Platform
- Sloped Ladder
- Hinged Louver Access Door
- Motor Davit