
Operator training has become one of the most prevalent areas of deficiency in Process Safety Management (PSM) Programs for refrigeration systems today. High turnover in the refrigeration industry coupled with high complexity system designs and an increasing void of technicians trained in foundational trades are the perfect storm for compliance challenges among operators of large refrigeration systems today.

Packaged systems provide many features, attributes and documentation that will satisfy the requirements and criteria for these PSM elements and as a result will significantly reduce an owner’s liability related to these elements & reduce their exposure to fines.

Read this white paper on the Advantages of Low Charge Ammonia Systems for Operator Training & Regulatory Compliance written by EVAPCO's Kurt Liebendorfer, vice present of Evapcold, and Mike Chapman, director of PSM compliance at Stellar. 

Check out Liebendorfer's presentation at the 2017 RETA National Conference this past September.