"U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Honors Evapco with Export Achievement Certificate"
U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke (below) presented the U.S. Commercial Service''s Export Achievement Certificate to Maryland-based Evapco, represented by Gary Rugel, Evapco''s Vice President, International.
ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke yesterday presented the U.S. Commercial Service''s Export Achievement Certificate to Evapco, a U.S. manufacturer of large commercial and industrial heat rejection and heat transfer equipment. The certificate honors small- and medium-sized enterprises that have successfully entered the international marketplace for the first time, or that have successfully entered a new market. The International District Energy Association hosted the ceremony at its 100th Annual Conference at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Va.
"I''d like to recognize an IDEA-member company that has achieved remarkable success in a key market - China," said Sec. Locke. "Evapco has sold $2.5 million of evaporative cooling equipment and ice thermal storage to China. These exports were supported by engineering and ice storage design work done right here in the U.S., a perfect example of the kind of secure, well-paying jobs that will be created in America in a new clean energy economy." Full video of Sec. Locke''s remarks are available at www.districtenergy.org
The International District Energy Association has worked with the U.S. Commercial Service for several years to help its members leverage export opportunities in the growing district energy markets in China and the Middle East. Evapco is a success story resulting from that collaboration.
"Thank you, Sec. Locke, for this honored award," said Gary Rugel, vice president international for Evapco. "I thank IDEA, which has given Evapco the opportunity to present ourselves and our products on a global platform throughout the world, and the Department of Commerce, which has helped Evapco open doors to both customers and governmental agencies throughout China, Asia and the Middle East.
"Evapco has worked hard to be a good global citizen. However, our customers determine our ultimate success, and we are fortunate to have so many loyal customers who continue to support our global growth throughout all of our markets served. Without our customers, we would not be here today and a global leader in our industry."