EVAPCO has designed, built and commissioned a NEW state-of-the-art Air Cooled Steam Condenser Test laboratory located in the Wilson E. Bradley Research & Development Center at EVAPCO World Headquarters Taneytown, MD USA. This industry leading laboratory includes a wind tunnel to investigate ACC heat exchanger performance for full size (over 35 feet tall) bundles as required for many power plant applications.
The laboratory process loop produces steam under vacuum in conditions typically utilized in power or other process plant applications. The ability to test the heat exchanger with steam under vacuum rather than hot water makes it unique as well, and allows EVAPCO to optimize the Air Cooled Condenser design with unprecedented precision; giving particular attention to phenomena such as freezing, air leakage, impingement, flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) and the high parasitic power losses associated with Air Cooled Condensers.