At last months IARW-WFLO Convention, EVAPCO Vice President Kurt Liebendorfer presented a TechTalk to the group entitled The Latest Advances in Industrial Refrigeration.
The discussion focused on two new major advances in industrial refrigeration that are rapidly being adopted in the refrigerated warehouse market: air-cooled & adiabatic condensing and packaged low charge ammonia systems.
- Air-cooled & adiabatic condensing products, in lieu of the traditional evaporative condenser products, are growing in popularity due to their ability to eliminate or significantly reduce water usage in large refrigeration systems.
- Packaged low charge ammonia systems are rapidly being installed and IIAR’s soon to be published ARM-LC guidelines are a powerful tool for owners to apply them to their facility.
The benefits of combining them, in an air-cooled low charge ammonia system, can bring advantages to facilities.
See the presentation on The Latest Advances in Industrial Refrigeration.