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Trademark Information
ATC, Pulse-Pure, CPA System, Sage, Critical Process Air System, Thermal-Pak, Ellipti-fin, Sensi-coil, Evapco & Design, Smart Shield, Evapco, UT, Evapco Extra-Pak, Ultra Quiet, Evapjet, ZM, EvapSelect, ET150, Extra-Pak, ET250, Mr. Goodtower, Opti-Bar, Evapcold, Opti-Pak, Techclean, Pulse-Pure, Arid Fin pak, and MRP Recirculator System are registered trademarks of EVAPCO, Inc.
Spectrum, CrossCool, Ice-Pak, and ChannelFlow are trademarks of EVAPCO, Inc.
The following are copyrights or trademarks of their respective companies or organizations:
AHRI Certified is a trademark of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute.
Franklin Fill, Franklin Eliminators, SafeWall, FireStop are trademarks of EvapTech, Inc.